Thursday 23 October 2014

5 seconds of fame

Our son sent us a text on Monday to say that ITV Anglia television had filmed him where he was showing a party of schoolchildren around an old WWII airfield and it would probably be on the local news programme. We were still waiting in Ipswich Hospital so had resigned ourselves to missing his little bit of fame. But then there he was on there last night, looking and sounding like a proper archaeologist  ( which is handy as that's what he is!) The community archaeology job that he has for the next couple of years includes lots of involvement with schools, airfield preservation groups and general public so he may be on again.
I had my own 5 seconds on Look East the local BBC news programme several years ago when they came to speak to me during the last chicken health scare thing ( I can't even remember when or what it was called) we thought we would have to keep chickens under cover to stop contamination from wild bird droppings. I said something like....... we have to abide by rules even if it does seem cruel keeping free-range hens shut in their shed- and there was a five second film of me throwing some corn in and going to collect the eggs and that was my brief spell on TV all over - thankfully no-one saw it!

Today I drove C down to the doctors so they could check his BP, look at all the information received from the hospital and see if he needed any changes to tablets. I popped into the Co-op for a bit of shopping - blinkin' place has moved everything round in the last couple of weeks, there were people everywhere wandering around looking for things. I completely forgot to look for molasses for making brown sugar as mentioned in yesterdays blog. None of the local supermarkets according to My Supermarket stock it so if it's not in the Co-op I shall have to stick to buying brown sugar. When we kept goats, molasses was always in the cupboard to put in warm water for goats that had just kidded, they love it and would drink a huge bucketful which was good for helping with milk production.

No other news today

But I mustn't finish without welcoming Sandy and Maria who are 2 new followers over there in the Google Friends pictures.

Back Tomorrow


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